The Return of Navajo Boy

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The Activist Writer: "A Successful Outreach Tool for Environmental Justice"

Published: February 15, 2011
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The Activist Writer published an item about the success of The Return of Navajo Boy:

A film about the Begay family, The Return of Navajo Boy, went on to become an award-winning documentary as well as a successful outreach tool for environmental justice.

They’ve met with success and hope for more: late last year, the EPA has finally earmarked funds to clean up the contaminated area near the Begay home.

The film recently celebrated its tenth anniversary, but the filmmakers and community continue working to building awareness today. You can see the results of their work in specially-produced web series: watch the latest webisodes at the official site, and visit the action center to learn more about how to help affected Navajo families.

Order our award-winning film, The Return of Navajo Boy on DVD today!

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